Blossom End Rot

Common Causes & Fixes


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Blossom End Rot

Key Takeaways:

    • NOT caused by disease
    • DON’T add calcium
    • Water Stress is the most likely cause
    • Plants WILL recover

We receive many inquiries every single day of the growing season in the form of pictures & descriptions of blossom end rot. If you are experiencing this condition in tomatoes, squash, eggplant, watermelon, or other vegetables, you are not alone. Luckily, this is a temporary condition that can be remedied with a little knowledge of why it is caused.

Many online publications or answers by members of social media groups suggest that the addition of various forms of calcium is a cure for blossom end rot. There is merit to this answer only in the immediate cause of the condition, but not the root cause. Lets explain.

While it IS true that this condition is caused by calcium deficiency in the blossom end of the fruit, this is not in any way an indicator that there is a calcium deficiency anywhere else in the plants complex biological systems, let alone in the soil. Most of the time there is ample calcium available in the soil, its just not getting where it needs to go for the plant to produce acceptable healthy fruit. Adding calcium to the soil likely won’t remedy anything, & may actually reach a toxic level to the plant if soil amendments are made without first testing a sample. ALWAYS take a soil sample to your local extension service for a comprehensive analysis before amending soil for any reason. It’s not a big expense or hassle in most cases.

blossom end rot on immature watermelon

So why is the calcium not getting where it needs to go?

Water Stress. Water stress leads to calcium deficiency at the blossom end of the fruit because it affects translocation of various nutrients from the roots to the rest of the plant. Severe drought or excessively dry soil CAN sometimes be the culprit. When the soil stays too dry for too long, the roots lack water that they use to transfer nutrients to the rest of the plant. Water is the vehicle in which nutrients are carried throughout the plant. Without water, there will be a lack of nutrients to produce quality fruit. This is less likely than the opposite condition however, which leads us to over watering.

blossom end rot on ripe tomato

Over Watering

Over watering is the culprit almost every time we have an inquiry, so it deserves a good explanation as the name sometimes leads to misinformation on the web.
Over watering in simple terms means that the soil is staying wet for too long. This leads to a lack of oxygen for the roots because they are drowning in water. Plants need the soil to be watered thoroughly, but then allowed to dry out before the next watering. This is imperative for healthy roots. If you are growing in containers, don’t judge when to water based on the dryness of the top soil. Lift the container to feel the weight. You will be able to tell when it dries out thoroughly, & that’s when it’s time to water thoroughly. If you are growing in a garden, mother nature can cause water stress by over watering from rain, but if you are irrigating you can control this in a dry locality. Watering with irrigation set on timers is prone to failure, as there is no manual observation of the soil & plant conditions before the irrigation comes on.

watermelon with blossom end rot

Good News

The good news is that the plant can & will recover. The affected fruit needs to be stripped from the plant & discarded (feed it to the pigs or chickens, or throw it in the compost bin). The plant can now focus on producing new fruit, & if the conditions have been improved the new fruit will be healthy.
Gardening is an extremely scientific endevour & it often doesn’t get much respect in that manner. For eons farmers & other agricultural professionals have kinda been seen as a lower class intellectually by western society. Delving into gardening for the first time can be quite daunting because many folks make it out to be quite easy. Plant a seed, watch it grow, harvest your food. In reality, agriculture is one of the most technical professions out there. Gardening is a great hobby or way of life if you have the understanding that there is a lot to learn along the way & are willing to accept failure as a method of learning.
There is no greater satisfaction than consuming something that you grew yourself, & all the pitfalls along the way greatly add to that feeling.

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